Quarantine Projects: Ceiling Treatment


It's been a little over 2 years in this home and it’s the longest I’ve lived in the same house for the past 17 yrs. I loved it, I love houses, oddly I loved moving. It was refreshing and creating spaces & decorating has a calming effect on me. My mom is a collector who was always switching up the decor in the house. From vintage musical instruments to woven baskets and the wallpaper. Even though our space was small, it was always warm and whimsical.  

Now that I have a family and we're dedicating some life to this house, we decided to do something that's been lingering in the back of my mind for a while. Metal tile on the ceiling! Woot! 

The inspiration for this design choice was Morocco and Cargo! In Morocco, it is as if not an inch of space is left unconsidered in their homes. At this point, most of us have now gotten a taste of Moroccan culture, even glimpsing a photo can be breathtaking but being there is something special! The mix of modern with ancient ways in life and design is unparalleled. The extreme depth to their craft and culture as well as the way they elevate everyday items is very admirable. 


And Cargo! Working at Cargo for about a decade has given me the opportunity to see and feel the art and design of many different cultures including India. Where it is also common to accentuate the walls and ceilings with textured tile. Throughout the years Cargo has brought in many large pieces of furniture and architecture.  I've drooled over a number of larger framed metal tile pieces that have come through the store from India. The art, craft and beauty of these pieces is something to be appreciated!

Now full disclosure, we’ve had the aluminium unpainted tile for almost a year so if we didn't get to it in quarantine it would probably never get done!  I chose to go the cheap(er) route and got unpainted aluminum tile. I was all over the place on which color pop to add to our cool (as in tone) white kitchen, eventually landing on this deep green. The plan was to spray paint it myself, which I initiated in the early days of quarantine - March. Not the best timing, as the humidity was still pretty high and the day-to-day weather forecast was chaotic.  For all you DIYers I suggest waiting until summer, on a dry hot windless day! Many layers and a couple of failures later they were ready for installation.  There's a handful of ways to install the tile, we decided to go with black little tact nails, supported by hidden longer nails and glue. It was definitely a bit harder and more time consuming then I anticipated - but isn't that the case with most things! 

I try to keep in mind that the home is the backdrop of memories. It has the opportunity to inform your inner world, help you feel safe and free, as a child and an adult. My general approach is to create a space that is comfortable and functional as well as inspiring, meaningful & authentic.   

Xo- Sarah

Cargo Inc.