African Imports


Cargo’s founder Patty opened the first Cargo location over 23 years ago out of a love of travel and discovery.  Core to Cargo’s business model is working directly with small business and artisans all over the world.  

The international world of direct importers is surprisingly small, interconnected and collaborative.  Over 20 years ago, when traveling in Japan, we met an Australian importer who referred us to a family business in India that we still work with, and we then referred him to a longtime partner in China.  Much like sharing a favorite shoe repair shop or ramen shop, the community of importers wants success for vendors we work with & love sharing our resources.  


We buy regularly from small importers, families and individuals that travel back and forth from their countries, shipping via air Cargo.  This is how we buy most of our African textiles, beads & crafts, Afghani textiles & jewelry, and Mexican & Peruvian goods.  

We purchase our African Indigo from several such importers, who in turn buy from markets and fairs throughout West Africa.  This fall we had hoped to travel to Burkina Faso to attend a giant fair that’s held every other year, but given the pandemic this plan will have to wait.  

These indigo textiles are worn by men & women alike, wrapped around the waist or shoulders, worn as head wraps, used as baby carriers or used for carrying goods from farms & markets.  


This month with every sale of an African textile, we’ll be giving 25% to local Portland organization, Om Thrive Foundation

Cargo Inc.